Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It's the third day of new year, am patiently waiting for my sweetheart to finish her shopping...am at this massgae place where they have got internet access for customers when they finished their spa treatment while waiting. What a fine thought. Perfect for people like me. Am already here for coming past to an hour, she must be happily buying away without me nagging. Not even a call to check on me, she must be very engrossed. Never mind her. I've got it all planned out for the year ahead but then again, things might change...I'm just hoping not to stray too off track as planned. We have plans to buy or adopt a dog, we even got a name for it already! Have to go dog shopping this weekend. Next on the list would be healthy living, been eating very unhealthy food for the past few months, time for a change. Of coz not forgetting our weekly workout at east coast. Our next pursuit would be something big, bigger than owning a dog. This will be our motivation for the coming months at least, shall keep in suspend till it materialise.

As life looks promising now, I've always believe 'there's always a silver lining behind every cloud'.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


2006, a new beginning. More exciting things gonna come our way. :)