Monday, April 11, 2005

Rainy monday afternoon

The weather is turning dark, my favourite weather of all time but my sweetheart is sick today. She is now sound asleep after taking some medication, lying just beside me while I typed my entry. I got to be alittle more quiet than usual so as not to wake her up, she's kinda a light sleeper. She has been my darling ever since we got together though we may quarrel and argue from time to time but all these are inevitable in a relationship isn't it. I believe we will withstand all odds till the end of time.

I'm been on the down side lately, things hasn't been running that smoothly but I am positive that I will be able to bounce back soon. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

I'm eyeing on a new car. I'm particularly fond of Mazda 2, I think it is a great car but many doesn't follow my sentiments. It has a sporty outlook, very spacious and the back seat can fold in 13 different kind of directions. It is kinda cool for a hatchback. I like Mazda 3 as well, the GT hatchback, I saw one on the road today and it has got the X factor. I never used to like hatchback but I guess people change. I'm still deciding whether to get it, but I'm taking my time, am not in a hurry.


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