Saturday, June 19, 2004

My Friday

I had such a long day today, all the mad dash. Managed to rush out my weekly report that has got to be submitted every friday at 4pm, there's a penalty for those who submitted late. They would have to pick up the tab for all the snacks during our weekly meeting. I'm always at the losing end, reason being that I don't normally get to eat what's on the conference table. Can't they buy more healthy stuffs like sandwiches or something???? was swiss roll and egg tarts for today but I did not succumb to the temptations...i did voice-out my grievances during the meeting and all my fellow colleagues were kind enough to listen and assure me that I will see sandwiches on that table for next week meeting...I seriously like working with my fellow colleagues and I think it is very important to have a good working environment. Many would agree with me.

Went to catch a show earlier, the Japanese horror movie 'Seance'. It was a total disaster! Waste of my time and money, that's my take on it. I would rather catch a Chinese movie if I have known better, and trust me, I don't watch Chinese movies so this is really bad enough for me to do just that. Stef, if you are reading this, you can forget about watching when you come back, I rather you pay and watch me..haha. I can give you discount even. It's the great Singapore sale! Speaking of the devil, I missed my Club 21 private sale yesterday and what a bosses went and it was really a good deal for all club 21 members, though the sale is now open to the public but I will not get those additionals anymore. Darn.


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