Thursday, June 10, 2004

Will Power

I realized I have got very strong will power, my trainer commented me on that. And with that, you can push yourself to the highest heights over everybody or anybody. You can have the strength to rock the cradle and create miracles. A good example would be what happened yesterday at the gym. I was on my cross trainer machine as usual and did my 30 minutes of warming up. As the timer reaches the 30th minute, I realized I was still going on...I thought to myself, perhaps I can do another 30minutes, making it One hour in total. I've never done one hour straight on a cardio machine before and the thought of breaking the record would be highly satisfying. I was panting and sweating, whole body's wet and hot but the sensation was too good to stop and it has always been me to hit the goal I set for myself. I eventually finished my challenge for myself. Summary of the workout was still vividly embedded on my head. Calories Burned: 900. Distance traveled: 5.2km. Heartrate: 112. I walked down the machine with a air of arrogance, I'm proud and I know it.

That wasn't the end, personal training awaits me at 9pm. I walked briskly towards him wasting no time, one hour of cross trainer would be nothing compared to one hour with my trainer. The agenda for yesterday training would be adominals. One whole hour on all sorts of adominals exercise, he seriously pushed me to the maximum. I'm glad, honestly I am even though I'm all burned out but that's the point of enaging a trainer because I can never do all that by myself...Well, maybe I could. I'm talking about Will Power here...hmm..


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