Sunday, June 06, 2004

Writing from home

It sure feels good on sunday, always a lazy day where you take every pace slow and easy. Planned to bring my brother and my sister out for brunch later and probably go for a afternoon swim. The rest of the day would be lazing around at home till I meet my friends for coffee in the evening.

I caught this movie yesterday, a chinese one. I'm not one who will watch a mandarin movie but shrek 2 was sold out so I would have to settle for a second best. 'The Best Bet' another movie by Jack Neo, our local director and producer was yet another comedy but a comedy with lots of philosophy behind. It talks about gambling, very much on 4D and how so many Singaporeans were so obsessed with it. I'm very sure my brother and sister learned a lesson after the show and it's good for them, it can be quite educational in certain aspects though it was mainly translated in 'Hokkien'.

Talking about gambling, I'm quite guilty about it. A couple of months back, I was so addicted to Batam, to the extend I can probably apply for a PR due to my regular visit. Only lost one time and that was my last trip ever since the recent weekend. That one time was quite a blow to my finance, I shall not reveal the figure...hee. My couple friends are still pretty much active in the Batam scene, my fault actually; I was the one who introduced them to that 'Lobang' so called. But they have been winning, they probably only lost 1 out of the 10 times. Don't mind going there once in awhile to earn some extra income but not over doing it is the trick. I'm practicing some self-control here and I'm doing well so far so keep it up I would say.


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