Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Soul Mate

I'm away from work today, woke up having extreme pain around my adominals, must be due to the monthlys once more. Went to the doc, took a jab and now here on my thoughts.

Two little words. One big concept. A belief that someone, somwhere, is holding the key to your heart and dream house. All you have to do is to find them. So where is this person? And if you love someone and it didn't work out, does that mean they weren't your soul mate?

I once found my soul mate, someone who plays a universal role in my life. She was my friend, lover, family and enemy to one point..ha. Is she still one? Been thinking alot these days, someone highlighted certain issues to me that kept my brains on it till now. Have I really move on? The fact that I'm still keeping her finance on my 'To-do-list' means I don't want 'out'? It's almost two years from the break-up and since, I act as her 'personal assistant' still. Personal Assistant: One who pays monthly mobile phone bills, check credit card status, pays monthly statement....etc. It has been like that when we were together and even now that we are no longer having the 'in-a-relationshp' status. Maybe I would really move on if I stop doing all these mundane chores for her. Probably that's one of the reason why am I always unfair to those whom i dated. I'm carrying a stone with me all the time, that's why.


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