Monday, August 15, 2005

I just got back from work today, a very fulfilling day it had been. I was officially introduced to all the family members at my new office, everyone seems so friendly and nice, guess that's what usually happened at the beginning. I like my working environment, everyone seems so commited and I can sense a very strong team spirit when I was there. Made a new friend, she's from the admin department. Was kinda surprised when she came and talked to me, guess perhaps she's just being friendly or maybe there might be more to it...haha.

We went for lunch together and despite talking to each other for the very first time, we shared many 'sensitive issues' which shouldn't be bought up when you only know one and other just. I'm starting to suspect that she might belongs to the same catergory as I am. My intuition is always right. Will find out more tomorrow and update again.

Once again, this might be life I should be leading. I've cut off from the world for the past one year, seems like I've lost touch with the society and I'm glad I'm out again now. Life is good once again.


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