Sunday, August 28, 2005

It's Sunday again, the only day I can sleep without my mobile phone snoozing away...I realise I will always check my mobile phone the moment I can gain my consiciousness. It has became a unknowingly routine. Cartel messaged, early in the morning. A movie date she asked. I've yet to respond. The last time when I watch a movie was with my ex-girlfriend and it was 'Fantastic Four'...let me see, perhaps about one month plus ago. Movie used to be my thing, always making sure I would go catch a show at least once a week. I wonder how much have I've spent on movies for the past one year already...

I've got a movie date with June on the coming tuesday. It's free, she always gets tickets as she works in the media, one thing good for sure. Hopefully I can get off work on time else she probably have to go in the cinema alone for sure. Coming back to Cartel, still thinking whether to meet her....think I better go and bath first and decide when I have a clearer mind.


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