Saturday, September 17, 2005

Feeling ill....

My physical self finally gave in to all the late nights and long hours at work....I officially pronounced myself ill at this point in time. I'm running a tempurature, but am lazy to go see a doctor, hate the long queues and medical smell. Bought some panadols, hope it helps. I was feeling drowsy already yesterday but yet I still went clubbing with Geok...almost fell asleep while driving back home, hate to drive when it is late, always having difficulties keeping my eyes open.

Long day at work today, finished at 5pm and went to have a late lunch or you can consider a early dinner with Geok. This woman, she went sun-tanning without me, we were supposed to go together and she went this morning...haha. Can't blame her la, work beckons. I'm so tired and sick now, gonna sleep the night through.....Hopefully I get up tomorrow feeling better coz I got to do my swim and my healthy routines on sundays...


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